
I’m Pearl.

I am a Registered Psychotherapist and an Art Therapist.

I’m here to get unstuck in your patterns, so you can find alignment and purpose in your life.

Our relationship with ourselves is possibly the most important relationship we will ever have. But our experience, trauma and the pressure of today’s world is fogging that connection.  

You feel like you want to do more, but you can’t stop overthinking, doubting yourself and worrying about the ‘what ifs, past experiences, and trauma still lingering at the back of your head. A sense of stuckness and negative thoughts take over sometimes, and you feel like you’re just on autopilot.

On the other hand, there’s a small (or really big) part of you that knows this is not who you are, but it’s hard to get away from it.

That push-and-pull feeling can be so draining.

Understand how you became the person you are right now

I am here to help you:

Address the root cause of your stuck-ness

Build inner resources and resiliency

Re-author your narrative, so you can live into the person you want to be

  • A quote I lead my practise by:

    ‘Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom’

    -Victor Frankl-

Working with me

  • There’s no one size fit all for therapy. So there’s a few methodogies that I work with.

    • Narrative Therapy

    • Art Therapy

    • Mindfulness

    • Internal Family System

  • I specialize in helping people with:

    • Inner critic

    • Feeling stuck

    • Parental relationship

    • Anxiety

    • Trauma

  • Tuesday - 10 am - 7:30 pm (virtually)

    Thursday - 10 am - 7:30 pm (virtually and in-person)

    Saturday - 10 am - 5 pm ( virtually and in-person)

    In person available at:

    658 Danforth Ave, Suite 303, Toronto, ON, M4J 5B9

    (a min walk from Paper Station)

  • $150 plus HST

    An insurance package that covers psychotherapy will cover my service. You can claim your insurance with the receipt provided.

    I accept cash, e-transfer or credit card.